Sunday, December 23, 2012

All we want to say is Thank You!----from DXMan

Dear friends,

Please allow us to extend our warmest wishes to you and your loved ones during this special Christmas. It’s hard to believe that another calendar year will soon be coming to a close and we wish your family a peaceful and healthy New Year in 2013.

At this special time, we want to say THANK YOU. Thank you for your great patience and understanding in the first quarter of 2012; thank you for your support as we made the change from DealExtreme to DX; thank you for your enthusiastic participation in our campaigns and for helping us improve by offering your valuable feedback.

As our 2012 activities successfully conclude, we are already busy planning exciting 2013 events, working hard to make sure that we have top-notch services and products available for you. So please join us in the coming year and remain part of the ever-growing DX family.

All DX Staff

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